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Inspired by oriental dragon culture, this collection was created in the summer of 2020 by the APORRO brand. The dragon symbol has presented luck, power, and wisdom for centuries. Each piece of this collection features different parts of a dragon, including its head, scales, tail, and crawls. It continues to embrace APORRO's fully iced-out handcraft techniques by professional jewelers and gem setters to bring it to life.

Manifestieren Sie Stärke, basteln Sie Ihr Schicksal.

Die doppelte Drache Miami Cuban Kette symbolisiert die Kraft mit einem innovativen Verschluss als Drachenkopf und hält die gleiche Kraft, die durch das mächtige Spirit -Tier gekennzeichnet ist.


21 Gesamtbewertungen

L**m A**erson
Oct 19, 2024
This chain is a fashion-forward dream! The sleek design and bold look make it stand out without being overpowering. It's the perfect way to add some contemporary flair to any outfit.
D**inic H**l
Sep 16, 2024
I love how unique and on-trend this chain is. It has such a modern edge that immediately elevates my look, but it still feels versatile enough to wear daily. This is definitely a style-forward piece that gets noticed.
Mar 08, 2024
Sólo voy a decir esto. Desde el momento en que abrió su regalo, nunca se quitó esa cadena. Es sólo una joya inicial para él. Por eso es una compra obligada para los adolescentes.
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